Reasons Why You’re Not Catching Fish when Fly Fishing

Why Can't I Catch Fish Fly Fishing

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Whether you are a beginner in the sport or a seasoned veteran, there is always something new to learn about fishing. Catching fish is the point, but a great day out with friends is what it’s all about.

The modern angler strives for a few good photos and a safe release. If you are participating in fishing tournaments, you want to catch as many fish as you can, and this is when you need to be on your A-game. Regardless of your skill as an angler, everyone blanks from time to time, and these days often make us relook and rethink how we approached the day and the water, trying to figure out where we possibly went wrong.

Hoping to improve before the next trip, the information below will run you through possible reasons for not catching fish and how to improve on them with a few fishing tips. Hopefully, this will help you catch fish effectively and lead to more fishing success.

Reasons why you won’t catch fish.

Reasons why you won't catch fish

Wrong flies

It sounds essential, but many anglers use the wrong flies at the wrong time and in different scenarios. This will result in little action or interest in your drift or cast. Firstly, ensure you have the correct flies for the fish species you intend to fish for. If you target trout, a good selection of brown and black stonefly nymphs, their dry fly imitation, and a few streamers will do the trick.

To catch bass, you want to have a few brighter, more giant flies to attract the bass and provoke it to eat. Both smallmouth and largemouth bass love the bigger and brighter flies.

Secondly, check the water ecosystem you are fishing in, especially if you’re fly fishing high water or still water fly fishing. You don’t have to be a qualified aquatic entomologist or anything, but a general understanding and knowledge will help. For trout, turn over a few rocks to see what type of nymph you need to imitate.

Seeing their size and color is also very helpful. This will also help identify the dry fly to use when the hatch starts. For smallmouth and largemouth bass, look at the grass beds for frogs and baitfish. Focus your efforts on overhanging trees with nests and birdlife.

You scared them

It would be best if you often got close to the water when catching fish with the fly to make the cast. This can usually lead to the fish ‘spooking’ or moving off slowly. The best way to approach the targeted water is to assume that the fish are everywhere! Then, break the water into sections and work the nearest section outwards.

It is often very tempting to throw a long cast to the head of a pool and try-catch anything, but what you don’t realize is that the fished ‘spook’ at your feet swims upstream and scares the rest, resulting in a flushed pool.

wrong flies

Too much noise

Too much noise can lower your chances of trying to catch fish.

  • Lighten your footsteps and watch what you walk on or over.
  • Talk in a lower, lighter voice.
  • Mute all cell phones.
  • If fishing from a boat, limit movement and bashing around.

Rod position

rod position

How you hold your rod when fighting a fish can significantly help. As kids, we are taught to hold the rod up high when fighting, and yes, this is true at certain times, but this applies the least amount of pressure. A 45° angle gives you the best purchase and pressure on the fish.

The rod up high encourages the fish to jump, which is when the fly is often spat out. The angled rod exerts full pressure on the fish while absorbing the force of those big fish running to deeper waters.

Setting the hook

You do everything right and get eaten, only to miss the strike. It’s soul-destroying!

Trout Set – generally done on all eats to set the hook when the fish eats. A gentle, swift lift of the fly rod will set the hook on the visual eat or sign of the indicator moving. This is effective for all members of the Salmonid family.

Strip Strike—The strip strike is generally used on fish with harder mouths so the hook penetrates properly and for a faster strike.

Landing your fish

Before you can celebrate the beautiful catch, the last task is to ensure you net it. Many fish have been lost at the net because the concentration is lost, and things go wrong. Don’t try to bring the fish in before it’s ready, often the tippet will snap, and the fish will swim away.

When the fish is ready, it will turn on its broadside, and you can lift its head and pull it over the surface into the net. You will learn to feel the fish and its strengths with more time fishing.

Landing your fish

Too hot

The weather can slow the biting fish down, especially when it is too hot. Yes, fish are cold-blooded species, and the warmer weather and water usually make them more active, but on the other hand, ‘too hot’ can also slow things down.

It’s best to wait for the day’s heat to pass before you continue to fish. You can try switching things up and changing fishing spots to focus on the deeper water with the lower water temperature—fish deeper with smaller lures or flies.

Too windy

The wind can cause significant issues when fishing. An incoming cold front brought in by a prevailing wind can significantly impact your success. As fly anglers, it is up to us to try and use the wind to the best of our advantage, using it to cast with and not into and to read the way it blows on still waters.

Always fish the bank the wind is blowing onto. The theory is that the wind will blow all the aquatics and food in that direction. You can often find fish patrolling the stained water or ledges for food. Skipping this section of the water can be a big mistake!

too windy

Water has been fished.

If you fish a popular river or section of it, it’s always handy to know who fished it before you and how recently it was fished. This helps provide intel as to how skittish the targeted fish or other species will be.

Certain types of fish recover quickly from being fished, but others need some time to rest. If the beat hasn’t been properly rested, you can have a tough time on the water, and this will fluence your catch rate. Even experienced anglers will struggle.

Things to work on to improve your chances.

Things to work on to improve your chances


You don’t have to have the most expensive equipment to catch fish when it comes to gear. As long as you have the correct type of gear for the intended application, you should catch fish. A 5/6 wt 9ft fly rod with a basic reel and a floating line will get you going.

Leaders, indicators, and flies are all equally important to catch more fish. Sunglasses are a must! Polaroid sunglasses will help remove the glare off the water, so you can see and hopefully catch the fish better.

Flies and sizes

This is a whole boom, but the best way to think of it when catching fish is to match the hatch or insect. Look what is around you on the banks, on the riverbed, or id on a boat in the foam lines. Look for any clues that nature will provide you with.

Tie on a fly that looks like what is in the water and go from there. Using small lures that imitate small fish is a great way to start in still waters while finding the right water depth in a river is a high priority, and the correct fly should be used to achieve this.



You are casting correctly while fishing, which is essential no matter what style of fishing you are doing. This is particularly true in fly fishing. You are using a very thick PVC line to get your fly out. The fish can see this line if it isn’t presented correctly. The most important thing to remember is not to let your line cause any drag.

Drag is when the line moves faster or slower to that of the water, causing the fly to swim differently to, say, live bait or an emergency. So, this is something to focus on continuously throughout your fishing day. Most fish will shy away from a drug-induced fly, but it sometimes does provoke a take, which is excellent, especially when the fish aren’t biting.

When you start, practice casting on a field without a fly. Here, you can perfect the casts needed on the river or a boat, like the double haul cast.

Smash the Hatch

Matching the hatch is the most important thing to get right in fishing. It will only be up to your chances of catching fish. Please take notice of what it’s about and tie on something that looks similar.

When to fish

when to fish

When to get out on the water is also essential. Early mornings are ideal in the summer months, while later evenings are better in the winter months, especially for bass. After cold fronts, it is also an excellent time to head out once the weather and pressure stabilize slightly.

An incoming cold front is generally the wrong time to fish, but with that said, the rapid change in pressure can cause a feeding frenzy.


Wearing the correct color when fishing can help increase your catch rate. What trout can actually see isn’t entirely known; refracting light and colors do play a role, but we will never know for sure.

A good general rule is to wear clothing that matches the background and skyline of your fishing surroundings. You want to blend into your background when trying to catch. Different fish react differently to seeing colors, and the less color they see, the better.

Best way to approach your waters

Best way to approach your waters


When tackling Stillwater, take care in your approach to the bank. Take your time to scan the nearest water from the bank’s crest. Ensure there aren’t any fish you may scare close to the water’s edge.

Always throw a few casts and stillwater fly patterns next to the bank to see if you don’t catch any fish. Once you have cleared the bank, proceed with your approach. When fishing, still waters always start closest to you and move outwards.


When approaching your chosen section, approach carefully and quietly. Use any shrub or vegetation you can to break your silhouette. Always climb into the water lower down from where you want to start. Work your way upwards, fishing every little run and Eddie you see. Don’t repeatedly fish in the same spot; move if no fish are caught within the first 5-8 drifts.

It’s always very tempting to cast rising fish at the head of the pool, but DON’T! Work the tail out first and slowly move up. There could be a few fish holding. Fish tight, short drifts while slowly moving up to your desired run.


Fishing from a boat can be hugely beneficial, especially when you need to fish deeper water. Nothing is more beautiful than catching fish on a boat in calm conditions. When fishing in these conditions, be sure to drift onto your spot with extreme stealth; an electric motor is recommended.

Limit your movement on the deck, reducing the noise that would echo down to the fish. This small tip may sound silly, but it can be the difference between a good and bad fishing trip.


What is the trick to fly fishing?

The trick to fly fishing is to practice and perfect your cast. Proper technique and timing are essential to catching fish with a fly rod. Additionally, it is crucial to use the correct type of fly for the fish you are targeting and choose the right kind of fly line and leader for the conditions.

How do you catch more fish in fly fishing?

There are several ways to increase your chances of catching more fish when fly fishing.

First, do research on the type of fish you are targeting and the type of flies they typically feed on.

Second, the correct type of fly line and leader should be used for the conditions.

Third, cast accurately and precisely to where you think the fish are located.

Fourth, use a variety of flies and experiment with different retrieves until you find one that works.

Fifth, pay close attention to the current and wind direction to ensure that your flies are drifting effectively.

Finally, practice and hone your casting technique.

Is it hard to fly fish?

Fly fishing can be challenging to learn, but it can become second nature with practice and patience. It takes time to learn the basics and to perfect your cast, but once you do, you will find it much easier to catch fish. Additionally, it is vital to research the type of fish you are targeting and use the right fly and gear for the conditions.

Is it easier to catch fish fly fishing?

Fly fishing can be more effective than other types of fishing, depending on the type of fish you are targeting and the conditions. Proper technique and the correct type of fly and gear can make it easier to catch fish.

Additionally, fly fishing is often more rewarding because you can target more specific types of fish and areas, and you can use a variety of flies and retrieves to catch them.

What attracts trout the most?

Trout are attracted to various food sources, including insects, crustaceans, and baitfish. The food source they are most attracted to will depend on the time of year and the type of water they are in. Additionally, trout are attracted to movement and can be caught with various flies, lures, and presentations.



Not catching fish while out fishing can result from numerous things, such as a windy, cold front, low pressure, or fishing with the wrong flies. This is what makes fishing so addictive: the process and thought put into improving your chances.

If it were easy, everyone would be doing it. So the next time you are out on the water and don’t catch anything, take a few minutes and consider the above. We can all learn something new.

Tight Lines!

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