Should You Get A Practice Fly Rod?

Should You Get A Practice Fly Rod

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Like any sport, fly fishing requires a lot of practice to become good at. There are many elements to learn, from the right rod to use and how to rig up your gear to reading water and picking the right fly. A lot of this you have to learn on the water, but fly casting, you can practice at home, can’t you?

I don’t know many yards or gardens with 90 feet of space in either direction, and the weather doesn’t always play ball either, so it begs the question, should you get a practice fly rod? I mean, how often do you practice your golf stroke? Maybe casting practice should match.

What is a Practice Rod?

Practice rods are basic fly rods in a smaller, lighter toy form. They are usually around 5ft in length or smaller in the case of a micro practice rod and are designed to make casting practice accessible.

They have a cork handle or foam grip, eyes to the rod tip, and a unique fly line, rope, or yarn so you and your friends can get to honing your casting technique when you’re off the water.

Is using a practice rod the same as using a fly rod?

Is using a practice rod the same as using a fly rod

Practice rods imitate the mechanics of a fly rod almost precisely, so the time spent using practice rods helps your technique out on the water when you fish with an accurate fly rod.

They are nothing like a proper fly rod and are not made for casting a considerable distance with or catching fish, so don’t chase trout with one. But they will aid your casting mechanics and accuracy and add value to your casting skill.

Where can you use a practice rod?

A practice and a micro practice rod are so small that you can use them indoors, in your backyard, pretty much anywhere.

You could be sitting on your couch in your living room practicing casting with one, honing in your accuracy to hit the TV, or teasing the cat and getting into trouble with your friends.

I’m sure you’ll agree that it’s often the weather or lack of space that stops you from practicing casting, and yes, maybe you’ll drive to the park down the road to practice, but how often does that happen? I’ve done it twice in my whole fly-casting career of 30 years.

How cool would it be to stay indoors and enjoy some fly-casting practice from the comfort of your home, whatever the weather? Well, with practice rods, you can.

Do you tie a fly on the end?

Yes, but it’s not a weighted fly or a fly; a bit of yarn or fluff will do the trick. Adding this to the end can hone your accuracy to within inches.

Do practice fly rods help with fly casting?

Do practice rods actually help with fly casting

Yes, definitely. As I mentioned above, they are not made for distance casting, and of course, you’re not going to catch a trout with one, but they are made to emulate an accurate fly rod, and if you practice casting with one, you’ll see the benefits.

When you practice casting with a practice rod, you can work on the rhythm required in your cast to keep a loop up in the air, and you’ll slowly tighten those loops; you can practice fly casting backhand, even a double haul cast with an extension kit.

Because they are so tiny, you might think they are a tad flimsy and toy-like, but you’re very connected to the feeling of the line, rod, and cast while you’re practicing. This allows you to experiment to see what casts you can develop and see their effect immediately.

They are often used as a tool when teaching fly fishing, as the caster doesn’t have so much length to deal with, and it’s easier on their arm; plus, you don’t need much indoor or outdoor space to use one.

I’m sure you’ll agree that the first time anyone put a fly line and rod in your hand, it immediately felt like a phantom limb you had no control over, and these are a great tool to get around that and get people confident with fly fishing for a start.

What are the best casting skills to practice?

What are the best casting skills to practice

This comes down to your skill levels, but my advice is to address the things you don’t try on the water or know you need to improve. One thing all the guys I know need to improve on, including myself constantly, is accuracy.

Another great thing to try is changing the direction of your cast mid-air, so go from casting at 1 o’clock to having to drop it at 9 o’clock. This will help with loop control and keep momentum in your fly line.

Another thing I love to do is practice a real guided fishing situation with my fishing buddies, who apply a load of pressure. I’m not talking about trout; I’m talking about eight buddies shouting at you about where a permit is and what direction to cast in, with six different targets to hit.

Yes, we fail most of the time, but it’s an excellent tool for learning to keep your cool in the moment; how many times will you ever get to cast at a permit or GT in your life? And I’m sure you’ll agree that the last thing any fly fisherman wants is to bottle it and choke when it happens, plus it’s way too much fun.

Who makes casting rods, and are they affordable?

Yes, they are far less expensive than regular rods, and you can find one for less than $50. Brands like Echo, Orvis, Redington, and Wulff all make them; you can buy them on Amazon if you search for them. The two we recommend are:

Orvis Practicaster

Orvis PractiCaster Practice Fly Rod - Compact...
  • CORK GRIP gives your hand...

The Orvis Practicaster is 36 inches long and has green yarn and an orange fly. It’s so tiny that you can use it in any space, and it comes with hook-and-loop fish targets, too, so you can cast to catch some lounge fish.

Scientific Anglers Groove Practice Fly Rod

4012791 Scientific Anglers Groove Practice Fly...
  • Country Of Origin: China
  • Item Package Dimensions:...
  • Item Package Weight:...
  • Product Type: Fishing...

The Scientific Anglers Groove is 47 inches long and has a green yarn with an orange tippet. It’s so tiny that you can use it in any space, and it comes with hook-and-loop fish targets, too, so you can cast to catch some lounge fish.

So, should you get a practice rod?

should you get a practice rod

Well, I’m sure you’ll agree that it can’t hurt, can it? They are a load of fun, super affordable, you can use them anywhere, and if you get one and use it your casting will improve. It’s a win, win, win, and another win!

They are also great around the house to get your friends, kids, or partners into casting. I usually use them to tease the pets, to be honest, or annoy my siblings/partner when trying to watch a movie.

Thanks for reading my article; I hope you enjoyed it and found it helpful. Hopefully, you have decided to add a practice rod to your life, but if not, at least you know why not now. Enjoy your time on the water and tight lines, as always.

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