Fly Fishing in the Rain – Tips and Tricks

fly fishing in the rain

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The ideal weather day for most fly fishers means blue skies, a slight breeze, and excellent fly fishing.

Usually, when the wind turns chilly, and those rolling grey clouds start to appear, the pressure drops, and most of us call it a day and start heading home.

But if the storm is manageable and doesn’t pose too many threats, such as lightning or a heavier downpour, it could be very beneficial to fish through the rapid change and reap the rewards.

Fly fishing in the before, during, and after

Fly fishing in the rain-before, during, and after

So, how does barometric pressure affect fishing? Barometric pressure changes, along with heavy rain, can drastically affect your fly fishing day. If it’s a heavy downpour and the river is washed out, then your day is unfortunately over, but if it’s light rain periods, this could very well increase the trout bite.

But sometimes, the bad weather plays a vital role in trout’s feeding habits, which is why most avid anglers choose to wait it out or fish through the low pressure, the cold front of rain.

Before the rain

When a storm approaches, two fundamental changes are thought to influence normal fish behavior in fly fishing. Rainy weather conditions bring low light and a drop in barometric pressure.

Low lightThere is no argument that low light conditions are favored in most fishing circles, especially in trout fishing. It’s one of the most effective techniques for flying fish for trout. Trout streams come alive with hatches and trout actively feeding at the first sign of the disappearing sun and inclement weather. Low light conditions are much more favored than sunny days because the predatory fish have more cover to hunt and feed before the watercolor and clarity decrease.

The lower light conditions will also cause numerous hatches to start, which is the time to fly fishing dry flies for trout. When the hatch begins, it’s a feeding frenzy, and regular techniques with a dry fly will get fish to the net.

low light

Many anglers will catch more fish using larger dry flies in these conditions and continue their ongoing dry fly fishing session until the light rain starts. Trout fishing with larger dry flies in these conditions is very successful and rewarding. If you aren’t savvy with the dry but still want to capitalize on the dry fly activity, fishing nymphs can be just as effective.

A double nymph rig fished in the upper water column below the foam lines is a great technique. The fly choice can be anything from San Juan worm patterns to a glass-beaded PTN. Here are some tips on how to tie a double nymph rig.

Barometric pressure: There are two schools of thought regarding barometric pressure. The first idea is that when a storm is incoming, the drop in barometric pressure will cause a drastic change in fish feeding. The idea is that all baitfish and aquatic insects sense the same shift in pressure and move closer to the surface to feed or hatch.

The predatory fish sense this and go on the feed. The second idea is that the fish realize the change in pressure results in worsening conditions and decreases the food sources, resulting in them feeding hard to stock up.

Whatever you believe, or you may have your theory, it plays a role in fish activity before the rain picks up.

During the rain

during the rain

Focusing on dries in the slow-moving water before the storm requires changing your approach for fishing in the hard rain. In heavy downfall rain conditions, the steady rain provides plenty of food for the trout from all the insects being washed off the branches. A sizeable terrestrial fly could work very well in these conditions as hungry trout hold on to the edges of the banks, sipping anything that passes.

If moderate rain becomes heavier and the raindrops become more significant, the water will stain a muddy brown, killing any chance of dry or nymph fly fishing. The best choice here is to swing a large, noticeable streamer through any fishy-looking lies or holes.

After the rain

You should be in for a treat if you are brave enough to push through the heavy rains. Fishing immediately after a storm can produce some memorable catches. The hatches are usually significant and long-lasting after the rains, which means heavy-feeding trout.

Be ready to switch back to your dry or nymph rig if the water is still dirty. Many anglers favor the time on the river when the weather has cleared.

Gear needed for fly fishing in the rain

Gear needed for fly fishing in the rain

The fishing gear needed to fish in the rain isn’t different from when fishing on those lovely summer days. Use the same tackle you would on a blue sky day, a little rainy day, or a day full of rain from a tackle perspective.

The main difference is what you wear. If you are fishing in waders, you will remain dry and comfy, but if you are using wet flies for trout and wading, a quick dash to the car to grab your waders wouldn’t be a bad idea if this is possible. The main thing to have is a warm, waterproof jacket that will keep you dry and cozy throughout the downpour.

Most jackets are very lightweight and roll up to the same size as a 1L water bottle, making them easy to carry in your day pack without any issues.

A warm, dry change of clothes in the van is also a good idea. It’s always nice to change into something dry after a wet day on the river.

Flies used fly fishing in the rain.

Flies used fly fishing in the rain

The flies used before, during, and after the rain are essential and can make or break your day. Approaching a trip, make sure you have a general understanding of the aquatics of the area, nothing too specific, but knowing if there are usually large caddis hatches or if the fish love a hopper will help you better understand what to fish on your trip.

Before the rain, the hatches will start, and a dry rig in the slower water should do the trick. Your parachute Adams or CDC caddis imitations will work here. If the fish stop rising, change to a larger dry #12 Stimulator or nymph rig.

The nymphs can be #12-#16 PTNs; copper johns fly, or GRHEs, anything that will imitate a natural nymph. Finding the water column where there is more food is critical.

During the rain, larger terrestrials such as hoppers and spider patterns work well, and streamers can be used if the water starts to wash out and turn muddy. Woolly Buggers or Minkys in black and brown with a chartreuse bead should suffice.

Safety concerns when fly fishing in the rain.

A heavy rain storm can drastically change the river conditions exceptionally quickly. It’s essential to know your limits and not attempt anything to put yourself or any fellow anglers at risk. Heavy rain clouds the water, making it difficult to see when wet wading, but it can also raise the water level quickly.

Make sure you know the water you are fishing and how quickly it gets affected by heavy rains. Some waters don’t change much, but others can rise in minutes and turn a perfectly safe trip into a nightmare.


Do fish bite better when it’s raining?

There is no definitive answer to this question, as it can vary for different fish species and various types of weather. Generally, fish may be more active when it rains due to the changes in water temperature and other environmental factors. However, whether or not they will bite more often during rain will depend on the species, the type of rain, and the conditions of the environment.

Do trout feed in the rain?

Yes, trout may feed in the rain. Rain can bring more food for trout, as insects and other food sources may be washed into the water. Additionally, rain can result in a drop in water temperature, which may cause trout to become more active and feed more.

Do trout bite after a rain?

Yes, trout may bite after a rain. Rain can bring more food for trout, as insects and other food sources may be washed into the water. Additionally, rain can result in a drop in water temperature, which may cause trout to become more active and feed more.

Is it more challenging to catch fish in the rain?

It can be harder to catch fish in the rain, as the rain can make the water murky and reduce visibility, making it more difficult for anglers to locate and identify fish. Additionally, the rain may cause the fish to become more active, making them more challenging to catch.


To summarize, some of the best fishing weather is pre-, during, and after a rainstorm. With a few extra rain tips, a little rain and cooler water can make for magical fishing. Your fly choice is essential on these rainy days, and you can drastically improve your chances with a few known fly patterns.

Not all rain is cold, and waiting until the storm passes is always worth seeing what the fish will do. So next time you head out for a fish, pack your rain gear; you never know how good the fishing will be.

Tight lines!

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